The new flagship of the Garrett ACE lineup is the ACE 400, which features the Iron Audio that allows the user to hear discriminated iron and the ability to alter the detector’s mid-tone signal range. This helps the operator hear the iron content in flat steel objects like bottle caps and washers that sometimes trick a detector into reporting them as good targets.
The ACE 400 includes a higher, 10 kHz frequency to provide better sensitivity to low and medium conductivity targets, such as gold and lead. The detector’s Frequency Adjust feature allows users to easily toggle between slight frequency shifts to help eliminate interference from other detectors or power sources.
Garrett Ace 400 Metal Detector Key Features
New Iron Audio: allows user to hear discriminated iron targets and to alter the mid-tone signal range.
New Digital Target ID: 0 to 99 scale offers target information
New higher frequency (10 kHz) provides better sensitivity on low and medium-conductivity targets.
New Adjustable Frequency to help eliminate interference
New Camlocks for better stem stability
New Includes Pulse-Width Modulation audio: sharper, more responsive audio
8.5″ x 11″ PROformance™ submersible DD searchcoil offers excellent coverage, depth
Enhanced Iron Resolution to help separate good targets from adjacent junk iron
Includes Electronic Pinpointing: precisely locates targets and speeds recovery
Notch Discrimination: Modify discrimination patterns based on what you are seeking.
Five Search Modes (plus Pinpoint)
Eight (8) Sensitivity/Depth adjustments
Coin Depth Indicator determines target depth
The ACE 400 will ship with three FREE accessories to complement the new release:
an 8.5”x11” DD searchcoil cover; volume-control ClearSound Easy Stow headphones; and a new ACE Environmental
Cover-up to protect the control box from rain, dust, and mud.
ACE 400 Metal Detector Instructional Video 1